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Cafetería Industrial
  • María Camila Alfonso
  • Alejandro de Francisco Castillo
  • Paula Rufi
  • Carlos Moret

As part of Elisava's Final Degree Project for the UX Master, we worked for 4 months developing a process of analysis, ideation, prototyping and layout of the Web for Cafetería Industrial.

Cafetería Industrial is a store and restaurant located in the Poblenou Sector, Barcelona founded by Miquel Coulibaly. The owner used the restaurant as an excuse to propose his own universe where gastronomy merges with interior design, branding and creation.

It was essential to transfer the entire aesthetic and conceptual universe of the premises, at the same time having the user at the center of everything.

We were inspired by a flat and industrial aesthetic, capturing every detail on the different screens of the website and assessing how these affected the user experience. Incorporating elements of surprises and experiences typical of Cafetería Industrial and Miquel with the aim of finding new ways of understanding the brand's digital communication.